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Named or nameless?

Comment platforms either use a real name profile or a pseudonym.

Users that use their real profile are held accountable by their reputation - they're more likely to give better comments.

Pseudonyms mask identity, so it's so easy to be offensive with no punishment. Evidently there are people who abuse this.

I argue that we should use a hybrid. By default that users should use a real profile, but give them the option to be anonymous. Just control the number of times they can comment anonymously!

Quora does this pretty well.

To end, a quote from Oscar Wilde:

A man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth. 

1 comment:

  1. The question is how do you determine that the person is commenting from a 'real' profile that is infact themselves?
    Also, are you better off a site having lots of honest comments or only a few because they were bold enough to say it on their real account?

    (Also it is ironic that it isn't actually that easy to comment on your blog :P )
